Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I can't believe I forgot the lyrics to one song about Shenandoah

Winchester to Shenandoah National Park (10/30):

After a break from our hiking itineraries, we were back at it again in Shenandoah. Skyline Drive is probably lovely, though 90% of it was enveloped in fog when we drove through. The parts we saw, however, were beautiful. We set out on a 6.8 mile hike late in the afternoon. At the beginning of the trail, we were greeted by an angry deer that kept trying to charge us, though that made sense once we saw the baby deer hiding that it was trying to protect. After a bit of diplomatic negotiations, the deer let us go on our way. A couple miles later, we met an angry snake on the path that starting hissing and doing that stand-up-y snake thing, so we climbed through the bushes and trees on the side of the path to detour around it. We hadn’t checked the elevation before heading out and were quite surprised to find ourselves climbing a giant mountain halfway through the hike. Even more ominously, it started to get dark and it was looking like we might end up spending the night on the trail, but we prevailed and made it off the trail before nightfall (meeting the same deer again at the head of the trail, who were considerably less upset to see us this time). We went back to camp and were even able to do laundry that evening. Success!


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