Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In the Interim

Well, hello there. It's been awhile, so here's the last 8 months, in brief.

When we left off, we had just moved to Washington.

We did a number of things in Washington. We lived in Logan Circle, frequented a few bars and restaurants, camped twice in Shenandoah, started new jobs or variations on previous jobs, learned Swahili, prepared to move to Tanzania, make the playoffs on a kickball team and played on less successful but more fun softball team. We visited friends and family, family and friends visited us. In the winter, we were buried under the most snow Washington had ever seen, and in the summer we sweltered through one of the hottest on record. We went to museums and the zoo. I learned to cook, Brad learned to play keyboard and make V.O. Manhattans. We did a lot of online shopping. A lot.

To be honest, DC's not really our style, so we're bidding it a not-so-fond farewell and moving on. Next stop: two years in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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