Thursday, October 1, 2009

Craters and Snow

Roseburg to Klamath National Forest, CA (9/29):

Portland and the side trip to a petting zoo accomplished, we headed to our last Oregon destination, Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in America and possibly made out of the crater of a volcano, or else a meteor, I'm not as up on the history as Mandy. There were a few snow flurries as we headed to the park, which turned into a fairly serious snow storm as soon as we reached it. So we drove around the eastern rim, where every so often the clouds parted and we got a glimpse of the lake, which is nice enough, though bluntly, we've seen lakes before, and while its depth is supposedly noteworthy we took that fact largely on faith. We did do a short but terribly steep hike down to the lake from the road, where we were able to confirm our suspicions that the water was a bit chilly.

So we drove around the rest of the lake, then left the park and headed down to California. The snow stopped soon after we got out of Crater, and the intermittent rain stopped in California, so we set up for the night in a national forest, reasonably enough.


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