Sunday, October 18, 2009

Traveling to the North Country

Bismarck to Schoolcraft State Park, MN (10/16):

We drove through Fargo and into Minnesota to begin the Dylan portion of the road trip. We ended up stopping a bit short of Hibbing at a state park, then drove in to nearby Grand Rapids for some mexican and a late showing of the Informant. We were the only ones camping in the park, which we determined by driving around the campsite several times when we got back from the movie because it was midnight and we couldn't find where we'd put the tent. It is getting a bit cold at night now, but we've only got another week or so north of the mason dixon.

This was the most isolated campground we've stayed at--a state park miles from anything that looked like no one had been around in weeks. I could have wept driving around Grand Rapids (birthplace of Judy Garland btw) looking at all those familiar garish neon strip mall and motel signs and thinking of our lonely tent in the icy forest. But we're troopers and soldiered on, albeit with an implicit understanding that we'd trade the tent for a motel a bit more in the coming week or so while it's so cold and desolate.

Also, Paul Bunyan is apparently a Minnesota thing, and we saw lots of PB statues and references, and I stood in the hand of this creepy statue.


  1. The statue is creepy, but you and the statue both are wearing very fetching boots. xo, AG

  2. I was flipping through road trip pictures a couple of days ago and this one came's really creepy/surprising to find this face staring up at you full-screen when you're not expecting it!
